Back in 2002, before digital photography, online publishing and Instagram, I designed and created this handmade three book set of my photography and poetry. Photos where taken with old school cameras like a 1970 Kodak 126, a standard Polaroid, a Joycam Polaroid, a 35 mm Minolta 150 and a 35mm Samsung 115A. Enjoy!
patternmatterform: a photographic study on the nature of seeing (part 3: form)
Back in 2002, before digital photography, online publishing and Instagram, I designed and created this handmade three book set of my photography and poetry. Photos where taken with old school cameras like a 1970 Kodak 126, a standard Polaroid, a Joycam Polaroid, a 35 mm Minolta 150 and a 35mm Samsung 115A. Enjoy!